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It pays to be social. The value of earned media is increasing faster than you can think up a catchy hashtag. Our expertise can help build your reputation in all the right places, with daily, image-rich posts across social platforms, interaction with users to drive engagement, rapport-building with influencers and lead generation through promoted posts and tweets.

GDS Connectivity

We connect your property with one of the industry’s largest collection of online distribution systems and the best global online booking sites.

Control the conversation

Most hotels ‘do’ social media, but far fewer exploit its potential to impact the bottom line. True, it’s notoriously difficult to demonstrate an ROI from social media marketing, but that’s not stopping the savvier operators seeing their brand awareness – and website traffic – increase significantly. With a social strategy across the recommended platforms of Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, we’ll help you attract the right audience for your brand and capitalize on the conversation people are having about you in three ways:

Profile Management

We handle all activities in your social profiles, including posting content, replying to questions, queries and mentions. We monitor keywords, which would include your hotel name, across all social platforms including blogs, forums and review sites.

Reputation Management

We work with you to employ the tools and tactics to ensure that your online reputation is as positive as possible and remains that way, come what may. How you are perceived online is critical – the better your reputation, the more confidence potential customers will have in booking and staying with you.

Paid Advertising

We will create paid advertising through Facebook and Twitter to help build your audiences for each channel, using targeting opportunities to engage the right audience, and test different ad types for effectiveness.


All social strategies include:

  • Onsite social media integration to existing website

  • Target demographics selection

  • Tactics to engage influencers as well as target audiences

  • Daily budget, ads and boosted posts

  • Set up reporting structure

  • Optimised social media pages

  • Daily images, updates and products all linking back to your brand website

Social Media

Most hotels ‘do’ social media, but far fewer exploit its potential to impact the bottom line.

Increased ROI

we manage your Paid campaigns and make the most of your marketing budget.

Increased BrandPar

Increased brand awareness without increasing cost

Save Commissions

Entire eCommerce management @ 12% spend and save 6% of each booking

How can we help you?

Tell us here what you’d like our help with, and we’ll be in touch. We’re looking forward to working with you!

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